Friday, May 8, 2020

Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Cookies

We baked a few different kinds of cookies again this year. One of my favorite cookies my mom makes is Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Cookies. They are one of my dad and brother's favorites as well. Addison was excited to help. 

One of her jobs was to put the peanut butter cups on the top. I didn't know how many cookies the recipe made and ended up not having enough peanut butter cups. 

So Ryan got a couple of the regular sized peanut butter cups out of the candy dish and had Addison put them on. She thought that was pretty funny. We sent the picture to my family and Parker was super excited about those cookies. I didn't put them on my tray at Christmas, and he was disappointed. I should have known better! 

Also, I took 4 kinds of cookies on my tray to Christmas. As I was getting the cookies ready, I realized they were all some version of peanut butter and chocolate....... ha! 

Addison was taking my photo and kept cutting my head off. Ha! 

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