Saturday, May 30, 2020

More swimming lessons

Another week at swimming lessons! She knows her days of the week and knew that every Thursday she had swimming lessons. She looked forward to this day every week! It made her finally quit asking if she was going to dance lessons on Wednesdays :) I love this swimming suit too.

Each week she is doing better! She was swimming with a noodle in this one. They also worked on her backfloat. She struggled with that one a little, she didn't want to put her ears under the water. 

It was really good for her and Ryan to do this together. Or should I say.... it was good I was not the one in the pool with her - ha! I am definitely a push-over and a worry-wart. So if she told me "I'm too scared to put my face under" I would probably cave and not make her! Or it would be really hard for me to dunk her. Ryan is able to push her harder on these kinds of things. They had a few points where they battled on doing things, but for the most part he could convince her to do all the things they asked!

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