Thursday, May 14, 2020

Let's go sledding!

I was walking on the treadmill one night and when I got done, Addison asked if she could try. So I put her on and turned on the treadmill. She looked like a deer learning to walk at first, but she eventually caught on. Ha! 

Addison had a fever for a couple days so I stayed home with her. She was starting to get over it (or so I thought) so we ran to town to do a few errands. It was forecasted to snow a few inches, so we stopped at Fleet Farm to buy a sled. Addison had gone sledding at school and had been begging us to go. We found out at school, they used cardboard as sleds. But I figured we could buy her a real sled (it was on clearance for $6- haha). So I let her pick which one she wanted out of the 4 options left. She was pretty excited! 

It was super windy and cold, but we bundled up to go try out the new sled the next day. As you can see in her eyes, Addison was not feeling great that day. But she said she wanted to try. It was so windy, she walked out of the garage about 7 steps then went right back in. 

She was 100% satisfied sitting on the sled inside the garage. Fine with me! We were maybe in the garage 8 minutes then went back in the house. Don't worry, we did get a few chances to use the sled this past winter and spring. 

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