Friday, February 2, 2024

Parent Picnic

Addison's school does an end of year picnic that parents are invited to. This was year was nice enough we could be outside at the park. I surprised Addison and her friend Tempe with Happy Meals. They were super excited! 

Tempe's mom works at our old daycare and can't make it to these things in the middle of the day. I'm very fortunate to have a job that I can make it to these events. So we invited Tempe to join us! 

These girls are best friends! They got to play on the playground after they ate. 

Aw Ms. Neville. Addison LOVED her. It was Ms. Neville's first year of teaching. I think her and Addison clicked well. There were many times that Addison told us she ate lunch in Ms. Neville's room or asked to stay inside for recess with her. Ha! When Ms. Neville had recess duty, Addison walked around with her (with a few other girls). 

Addison cried multiple times over the summer saying that she missed Ms. Neville. She really struggled and it was an interesting thing to navigate as a parent. Ms. Neville left the school district after her first year, so in reality, Addison would never see her again. Now, she doesn't cry anymore, but she does mention every once in a while how she misses her. We will see how leaving Ballard West goes this year..... lol. 

They ate all their happy meals and then ate the lunch Tempe had packed. They were hungry! 

I think this was a different day, but I was working and sent the two kids out to play with the sprinkler. Ha! 

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