Monday, February 19, 2024

New Daycare for Mason!

Just another day of a construction vehicle hauling a triceratops. 

Mason and I shopping at TJ's. We thought we should buy the weird bird looking thing, we thought it looked like Kevin from Up. If he would have went on sale, I would have bought him. Ha! 

I had so much fun with this little dude on our Mom & Mason days. I had felt bad for the little guy having hand foot & mouth, that I let him buy this Jeep from Wal-mart. He loves Jeeps! We never let the kids buy toys for no reason, it was fun to do it once. 

Her first week at her new daycare was exhausting! It was also recital week, so she was tuckered out. There is nowhere for them to nap, but she found a bean bag and covered up with her beach towel. Ha! We found her like this a lot at the new daycare. 

FINALLY!! This guy's first day at a new daycare! Boy was Mom nervous!! Changing daycares for Addy at this age was one of the hardest hurdles me and her have had. Not so much dad, he wasn't there in the mornings and he didn't have to leave her. Ha! Man. That was so hard. 

He was excited though! 

He had to "free" the animals. Working on his dexterity. 


Water day at the new daycare! I was excited they actually do water day at this daycare. Our old daycare said Mason's room would do water day but then maybe did it once or twice all summer. Mason enjoyed his water days, even though he barely got his suit wet. Ha! 

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