Saturday, February 10, 2024

Omaha Zoo

Taking our giraffe pictures for Tracey.....the zoo pass she buys the kids for DSM gets us into Omaha half off! 

Can't hardly see it, but the zebra is in the background. We didn't take a photo this time, but the elephants are a highlight of our Omaha trips. They had twin baby elephants, they were SO CUTE. The kids and I were obsessed. We had to make a few trips back to the elephants to see them. 

Posing with the statues.

Lots of photo ops!

Annual giraffe statue picture for Tracey. The kids were too big for both of them to sit on the giraffe. 

The lion truck - we did see the lion this time, he was actually at the top of the rock mountain. It was pretty cool. We do like the DSM zoo better for some things, and the lion is one of them! The lions and tiger are much much easier to see in DSM. 

This truck and the helicopter have radios that they can talk to each other. It's pretty cool! 

Mason loved the helicopter this year! 

Petting the starfish and other sea creatures! We do love the aquarium. The penguins are a family favorite and then walking through the tunnel to find the stingrays and sea turtles. They have some huge sea turtles! 

We made some time to hit up the splash pad earlier this time!! We missed the boat last time. Ours had a good time but only wanted to be in there a little bit before wanting to go back to the gorillas. We love the gorilla house! We saw a gorilla pound on the glass at a little girl this time, which made my kids feel pretty timid. 

Just doing a little shopping! Ha! They had armfuls of all the animals they wanted :) We settled on a small zebra for Mason and a small red panda that came in a vet carrying case for Addison. Mason still loves that zebra :) 

Addison giving her red panda a check-up on the way home.

This is how he fell asleep after we got on the interstate! We got there about 45 minutes after opening and stayed till close. They slept the whole way home. The zoo was SUPER busy, I decided we will never again go Memorial Day weekend. It was insane. But it was still a good day :) 

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