Saturday, February 24, 2024

The Janky Zoo

The janky zoo was back open!! Ha! Some of the dinosaurs survived the hurricane. Some were a little damaged. 

And we went back to the crazy cow/camel/antelope animal was still there. 

This thing is sure funny looking..... 

We sent pictures to both grandpas and they didn't know what it was either!! 

There are no gorillas at the janky zoo, but there is a statue! We liked seeing the lemurs, alligators, and some of the other weird not normal zoo animals. It's pretty cheap, but we weren't as entertained this time. We probably won't go again and will chose something else next time! 

This quarter ride provided lots of laughs and entertainment! 

Addison doing her crafts. 

Pool-side snacks :) Cheez-its for the win! 

Mason had his arms around Addy & Dad on the golf cart ride. 

And one of their favorite things about vacation..... the ice cream!! Look at her messy face! 

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