Saturday, February 3, 2024

Last day of school

It was a big week at the Lents house! Last day of daycare for Mason at Tender Years. We had made the decision about 6 months earlier that we needed to try to get Mason into another daycare. His teachers had been good, but one we really like left Tender Years and then he was going to age out of the best teacher's room. The older room, we rarely saw the teacher and there weren't too many kids of that age. Most of the kids at the daycare were younger. Plus, we needed to get Addison into something else in the summer that provided more activities/stimulation for her. 

So we got on a waitlist and got them both into Lilypad. We were very happy! So Mason was having his last day, then taking a week off of daycare before starting the new room. 

The next day, Addison had her last day of 1st grade!! She was so happy yet so sad at the same time. This girl loves school and it makes us so happy. She got better at reading and math is her favorite subject. She wants to become a better mathematician. 

Addison LOVES JoJo Siwa and really loves the bows :) 

Addison also loves her school, Ballard West. All the teachers and staff are amazing. 

Mason and I went to pick her up from her last day of school. She normally rode the bus to daycare, but daycare was closed this day. So we had to pick her up! She was pretty excited, since we never pick her up from school :) 

 Then we went to the Slater library to play for a little bit and check out books. Addison thought it was a pretty awesome last day of school!! 

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