Friday, January 26, 2024

Fun on the Farm

Mason was so excited to see all the equipment! 

He didn't believe us that he could climb in the grain bin. He thought that was pretty cool. This photo of him and my dad might be my favorite ever - pure joy! 

Mason wanted to get in "the really big one".

Mason's favorite thing to do was climb in each tractor. He wanted to check out each buddy seat as well. He would decide if there was room for Addy to ride along or not. Ha! 

He did like riding along a little better on this trip, we have been there 2 more times since then. He is just like Conner..... went through the phase of being terrified of a running tractor. They were so scared for a while, about the same age too. But now at 3, he was slowly starting to get over that. 

Zero fear of the four wheeler! He couldn't get enough. My dad and I had to take turns giving him a ride as our thumbs would get sore. Ha! 

He ate his lunch so fast then sat and waited on the four wheeler until someone would give him a ride. 

He had a little toy truck and he walked it all around the yard on the gravel. It was a slow, tedious process but he was determined. 

Grandpa Ron had a tractor with two wagons hooked up, made Mason's day! He went for a ride with this one. I can't remember where they took this one, either to George's or Gary's. 

It wasn't on this trip but another trip where the kids made a few trips to the elevator in Pioneer with Grandpa. Every time we pass an elevator, Mason wants to know if it's "Grandpa's Elevator". He doesn't understand why Grandpa can't come to an elevator by our house :) 

He thought the semi was pretty cool too. 

 And loved the trampoline without Addison to compete with. Ha! It was a great day on the farm. It was nice out and he got to do all the things. He did say he missed Addison a little, but I think he enjoyed all the attention. 

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