Friday, February 16, 2024

New Daycare

We found this when we were cleaning out Addison's school items. Ha! Ryan says Addison's handwriting is better than his. (that didn't take much, but her handwriting is really good. I've checked out her classmates - ha!)

This picture showed up on my FB memories.....One of my favorite pictures. Clearly, she wasn't scared of dogs at this time...... JJ was so good with her (and all kids). He moved cautiously, never got in her face, and wouldn't even take treats out of a kid's hand. Addison would have to lay the bone on the ground then he would take it. I miss him every day (his picture is still my phone background....). I had to show her this so that she would know she didn't mind dogs at one time! Ha! 

First day at her new daycare for the summer! She was excited and nervous for Lilypad. She knew a couple girls there, so that helped. She was pretty excited to pack her lunch every day. Kelly got her a new lunchbox and Makena had gotten her a unicorn thermos, to which she said "how did my cousin know I've wanted this my entire life!" Haha! 

This little dude was home with me for another week before his daycare started. We might have to get him something faster for this summer...... 

Grandma Rita bought the kids watering cans so they can help water the flowers. They both fight over the pink one. Ha! 

Sent him out to play in the puddles. We are on a hill so the water doesn't really puddle up like it did at the old house. 

Oh boy.... we went to visit Mason's new Lilypad room. He was pretty shy and wouldn't talk to anyone (I didn't expect him to). But he did play with toys when no one else was close. Dude loves cars, trucks, tractors, so he found the match box cars right away. 

 Then he found the safari animals. They were just wrapping up on a safari animal unit when we started, so kind of bummed he missed that. He would have loved it. Also, he is wearing snow boots in June with shorts. They are small not-clunky snow boots, but still snow boots. Ha! 

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