Friday, February 23, 2024

Off to vacation

We stopped at a corn field by the high school to take a picture to see how tall the corn was. We were going on vacation for 9 days, and then we would see how much the corn grew! 

Playing "the penny game" in the airport while we waited for our flight. We used a toy instead of the line in the floor. "The Penny Game" was a game my dad used to play with Landon and I at the shopping mall while we waited for my mom when we were younger. You had to see who could get their penny to land as close as possible to the line on the floor. Hours of entertainment. ha! 

Told Kelly that I put my ear buds in and the people next to me just kept talking...... haha

Best Mom Ever..... I packed the Fun Dip she had been begging to eat. She was so excited. 

Golf Safari! Not to be confused with Safari Golf that was destroyed in the hurricane. 

For a 3 year old, he has amazing concentration and determination. 

Three little monkeys.....

Dude still loves zebras!

It was HOT.... so we found a splash pad after golfing. It was HOT. I mean, we were all dripping in sweat. The playground equipment was scorching. But the splash pad was good! 

Must not have taken any pictures, but we went to Culver's for lunch. Addison thought it was so fun! And we all loved the custard for dessert :) 

Then we went back for another round of golf..... we pay once and then can golf as many times as we want. Got to get our money's worth! 

Oh my gosh..... these two BOTH got a hole in one. That's right they both got one at the same time. CRAZY. And mom and dad did not get hole in ones. Ha! 

 This was the hole. It wasn't an easy peasy one! They both went under the rocks I believe. Ryan will probably tell me I'm wrong (haha). Ryan was pretty distraught that Mason got a hole in one. 

Then a couple holes later..... Mason rolled his ball down this big hill and then got a hole in one! WHAT?!? Crazy. Ryan claims it doesn't count because Mason rolled it and didn't hit it with his club..... but I argued that he did it from the same spot he would have hit it. So I think it counts. He was so happy! And Ryan just wanted to steal joy from a 3 year old..... haha :) 

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