Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Fun at the Hotel

The kids were quite excited to stay at a hotel. The only time they had stayed at a hotel was in Mexico at the resort, so this was a little different. 

They thought it was so fun to eat on the couch at the hotel (since they can't at home). It's the little things in life! 

And then the pool!! 

We went out to eat at a pizza restaurant. They give the kids pizza dough to play with while we waited for our food. They loved it! 

Mason was combining his pizza dough. 

Then we ran around Nebraska Furniture Mart. Mason picked out a new bed he thought was super cool. The kids looked at bunk beds :) Maybe someday..... 

The next morning we had breakfast at the hotel. I put milk in coffee cups with lids and they thought it was THE COOLEST. They loved it! They loved the hotel, pool and breakfast. It was fun :) 

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