Thursday, February 22, 2024

Summer & Softball

Addison's daycare took a field trip to the Workspace at the MU. She was pretty proud of her tile. We thought it looked great! 

He was hiding after his shower..... came around the corner and saw this little booty sticking out. Ha! 

His choice of outfits drives Ryan crazy - Ha! 

Freezies in the driveway, with our fancy freezie-holders. Best May Day basket gift from Lana! 

We missed softball team pictures due to swimming lessons, so I had to snap a quick photo before a game so we could hang it on our sports wall :) I was an assistant coach on her team, we had fun! 

Water day and Lukas and Mateo came over to join. I love that these kids get along so well! 

Love that smile! 

She was trying on swimsuits for vacation..... Her and Ryan didn't see anything wrong except this one was too big. Haha! It looks like a wrestling singlet. I informed them she had it on backwards..... 

 One of my new hairstyles from Addison :) I love that she loves doing my hair! Still in shock that she taught herself how to braid! 

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