Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Lego Land - Part 2

We were amazed by the "Lego World". It was so cool! I loved the Vegas model of course. They even had little fountains for the Belliago. 


Treasure Island Pirate Ships

Addy loves the Statue of Liberty! 

There was this firetruck ride where we had to pump the firetruck and it moved along track. We were competing against the other trucks. It was hard work. When you got to the end, you all jumped out and someone had to pump the fire hydrant while the others aimed the hoses to put out the fire in the apartment building. Your sign when down when you did a good enough job! 

It was HOT and hard work, but fun! 

More Vegas

A race track! They counted down and then the cars drag raced. Mason enjoyed it. The whole area was super cool, we definitely didn't get enough time in this area. There was little fire trucks going through the city, school buses, people, etc. There were various cities, and then even a water area with pirate ships. It was cool! 

The pirate show! The kids went to their first water show. They were water skiing and trying to learn tricks for the head pirate. They ate snacks and enjoyed the show! 

Mason driving a blue tractor

With a blue mouth from a ring pop. ha! 

Mason even got to ride a roller coaster! 

Aargh! The Pirate Cruise! The lines for this were long..... so we timed it on the app and picked the shortest time. It was okay, but I probably wouldn't waste my time if we go back :) 

For Tracey :) 

She wanted SO BADLY to buy the plastic driver's license for $25..... we said no. I struggled, I admit, but it really was a lot for a plastic license. We convinced her to spend her money on a Lego from the store instead :) 

The big kid course! On this course, Addison was 7 years old. Ha! She loved this. 

Addison saw these statues as we were buying our souvenirs and wanted her picture. After this, she really wanted a Lego Friends set. She asked Santa for a Lego Friends set :) 

While Addy and I were riding rides, Ryan and Mason were hanging out. Ryan found this ride. For 4 year olds. He told Mason "Tell them you are four". He did, and they let him on. I couldn't believe it when I saw this picture! There is something similar at Adventureland and they wouldn't let Addy ride by herself. But Mason can at Adventureland. Ha! 

After 9 hours, in the heat, we still had smiles as we left Lego Land at closing time. We were dripping with sweat at some times, enjoying the cooling towels and ice cubes from the machines at the park. We didn't get a picture of one of Addison's favorite rides..... it was one where you went inside a building and they sat you on a "couch" and took you on an adventure. You watched a screen and they made it seem like you were flying through the scenes. Addison thought it was the coolest thing ever! 

Family picture as we left that night! It was a great day :) 

We got in the car and the kids didn't even fall asleep right away. Smiles, giggles, and snacks. It was so much fun, and we were shocked they didn't crash! After a big, long, hot day, I thought for sure they would crash. They did eventually fall asleep. 

One thing Ryan and I learned on the two lane road drive, there are armadillos in Florida. Ryan swore he saw one on the side of the road. So I googled it. And there are armadillos in Florida. Learn something new every day! Ha! 


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