Saturday, March 2, 2024

Sanibel Island

We love the beach!! We went to Sanibel island again. We love Sanibel. It's small, not crowded and just the open beach. No stores, restaurants, etc. but that's okay because we pack a cooler :) 

They were still recovering from the hurricane, but the beaches were open. 

I can't believe what a PERFECT day we had! There was a wonderful breeze, some clouds that gave us a break from the sun, and perfect weather. 

The kids searched for shells and brought home a whole container. Along with a container of sand so that we could make some crafts when we got home. We made a shell picture frame for Addison's room. And then Addison picked out a bunch of jars from Hobby Lobby and we made some jars and Christmas ornaments with sand and shells. Addison LOVED having a project, especially one she could do herself. 

And the silly one.... 

So thankful we are able to make these memories! 

And of course had more ice cream when we got back. Ha! 

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