Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The Bounce House

There was a super nice day in October that we decided to hurry up and set up the bounce house one more time. First time at the new house! We moved in in August but we didn't have grass right away and things were just busy. :) So Mason hadn't seen the bounce house in a few months and that made a huge difference! He LOVED it. He flew down that slide fast! He will be able to climb up the ladder by himself next year, they will have so much fun. My mom happened to stop by that day so she got to see our wild child going down the slide fearlessly. 

My happy boy! We were at one of Addison's soccer games. Soccer was a struggle for this dude. So many balls he couldn't play with. We brought his own, but of course, he wanted the ones on the field. 

These two may argue every once in a while, but boy do they love each other. Landon and I are 4 years apart and I'm pretty sure we didn't act like this - ha! I probably tried and he rejected me. Addison was in time out, probably for not listening since that is always the reason. I can't remember if we put her there or if she did it herself (she does it herself most of the time). But Mason got out of his bath and once his diaper was on, he went straight to find her. He went straight down the stairs to sit with her. He just sat there and didn't try to play or anything. She was pretty upset about being in time out and even told him "Buddy you can't be here, I'm in time out" - ha! I told her that he was just trying to make her feel better and it was okay. She was pretty determined she need to serve her punishment alone! 

It was Hat Day at school and she was adamant she wanted to wear her free plastic firefighter hat. It was a windy day so she had to hold it on - ha! 

Mason refused to stand up for my Halloween outfit picture so we took it laying down :) Grandma Rita was doing some shopping for us again, we got TONS of compliments on the various Halloween outfits. 

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