Wednesday, January 12, 2022

ISU vs. KU

Texas was on TV. As Nolan would say "Horns down baby!" I thought I had a video of it, Mason was mimicking us, it was pretty funny. He will do it when he hears someone say "horns down" (which is probably more frequent than anyone would think) Addison thinks the University of Texas' team name is Horns Down - ha! 

Mason was cruising around the house and his arms were swinging full boar as that helps him go faster :) 

Made some pumpkin bars for the Julius family! 

Love Mason's smile in that pic! Ryan was hanging him over the bar on the hillside. Addison bounced around, sitting with the girls and Grandpa Ron for a while, then coming back to Ryan and I. 

We were able to see my friend Lacey and her kiddo Winston before heading into the game! 

Quick family picture as we were heading to our seats. 

Little buddy did great the first half. He hardly moved the first quarter. It was awesome. He found that bag of cookies while tailgating and held onto it the whole first half. 

Then the 2nd half it started to sprinkle a little. He does not look amused - ha! 

Ryan carrying both kids on the long walk to the car. I loved how the kids hugged each other when Ryan picked up Addison - ha! 

We are wet but happy! ISU beat KU 33-20. I think it was around 9:30pm. Kids were wide awake (my kids have a big fear of missing out......just like their mom). 

We were SHOCKED Tracey got a picture of Addison with Cy!! She is apparently no longer scared. This was a great surprise. She loves this picture. 

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