Monday, January 17, 2022

Slater Fire Station Breakfast

This kid sure is different than Addison was at this age.... much more adventurous! He can barely walk, but was trying to get Addison's bike out. Ha! 

He settled for her scooter instead. Ha! He makes me so nervous, I made him move to the grass :) 

Addison was practicing her golf swing while we watched the combine across the road. 

Addison got a flyer at school that there was a breakfast at the Slater Fire Station one weekend. So we decided to go. Mason was the wild card, as always, but he was good and scarfed down his breakfast and only fell off the chair once. Ha! 

Addison got to visit the Slater Fire Station during school. She claims the fire truck came and picked them up at the school and brought them to the fire station (it's about 4 blocks). We aren't sure if we believe her - ha! She was so excited that she got to show us and Mason the fire station. And that they got hats. :) 

Addison lifted Mason up on this bench by herself and wanted me to take their picture. We were impressed she could get him up there! 

 Addison was excited to take Mason to Duckworth in Ankeny so he could go through the little door. She LOVES this little door! He didn't really see the excitement in it, but he went through it anyways. Ha! 

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