Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Here comes Santa Claus.....

 This video is probably only enjoyed by me :) It's from July. We were trying to FaceTime my mom and Mason loved seeing himself in my phone. My mom didn't answer so I took a video of him jabbering :) 

He had just started saying "nigh-night" and we were so excited!! This was back in September. He said Mom-mom and dad as well. Now, he's so funny, when we walk in the door, he yells "MOM!!!!" as loud as he can. Or "DAD!!!" if it's Ryan. I really want to get that recorded sometime. The days I've tried, he doesn't yell of course. I'm excited to come home every night because he's excitement is the best! 

And the part of Best Supporting Actor goes to Mason Lents! Ha! I love that Addison let me video her singing, but the fact that Mason stood that still, and attentive, that long is amazing - ha! Kid never stands still. 

Addison's soccer team photo. She loved playing although she needs to be a bit more aggressive!! We started having to bribe her with a treat after soccer if she kicked the ball.... even if she tried to kick it. Ha! 

I can't remember if I already posted about these two and this car..... they spend hours cruising around the house. Sometimes they don't always agree about who's riding in front or where they are going. Sometimes there is some yelling and crying, but they work it and have a good time together :) 

Having kids 4 years apart, I never thought they would bathe together. Ha! She asked one night if she could get in with Mason and those two had a good time. They laughed and laughed. :) 

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