Friday, January 7, 2022

Video Update

I uploaded some videos from last summer. This one, he has a shirt with a shark mouth and Addison was pretending to eat with the mouth. That laugh! 

Addison was "babysitting" while we were moving out of the old house. This is how she was entertaining him :) 
She is a great babysitter and very motherly. We picked her up from daycare early yesterday because Mason was at home and we needed to work. She played with him for about 3 hours and then when it came time for supper, she moved his chair to face her directly and she fed him his entire supper and did everything for him. It was funny to watch and also very nice to have a meal where you didn't get up 10 times :) 

Oh man, little buddy starts to walk! This video was taken Sept. 16, the day before we left for Vegas. Don't mind the giant mess, the packing from the move has been slow..... 
We actually happened to be Facetiming with my mom, when Mason took about 5 steps on his own. I didn't know he was going to do it, we called my mom because the kids were being crazy. This video isn't as good as his first steps, those were great! Mason was 17 months old when he started walking. It was the day before we left for Vegas when he started walking. 

This was the next week, he had done it a few times before I took this video. It was such a fun time to watch him grow and for Addison to be so excited for him! 


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