Saturday, January 8, 2022

The M&M Statue of Liberty

We were at Addy's soccer game and I thought Mason's hair blowing in the wind was kind of funny. Then I took this picture and thought he really looked like Parker as a baby! 

Addy kicking the ball to her teammate.

We bought Addy an M&M dispenser from Vegas. I wanted one so bad as a kid and was so excited when I got one. I loved that thing. I was equally as excited to pick one out for Addison. They had quite a few options, more than I expected. She gets excited when she sees the Statue of Liberty on TV or anywhere, so that's what we settled on. 

A shampoo mohawk :) 

This is an awesome picture of Addison..... taken by daycare. She got a bomb pop at early out and they posted this picture. I love it! Bomb pops are her favorite popsicles. 

These two and their shenanigans! Mason barely fit but Addison pushed him around the family room. Ha! 

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