Thursday, January 13, 2022

Addison's Hair Cut

Mason had been wearing shoes to daycare for about a week, then he blew out two shoes. Ha! Good thing we had more hand-me-downs from Nolan! 

I was busy doing something one night and the kids needed entertainment so I asked Addison if she could grab a "That's not my" book and read to Mason. I love these books, they are quick, easy and the kids love to feel the pages (bumpy, scratchy, squishy, etc). 

She was self-conscious at first since she didn't know how to read every word but I told she could look at the page and figure it out..... or just make it up and Mason won't know the difference. Ha!
If I haven't said it before, Mason LOVES books. The only time he will sit still and let me hold him. We read books the other day for 40 minutes!! That's a long time in toddler-world to sit still. He's lucky I didn't fall asleep - ha! 

Big day.... Addison had been wanting her hair cut and I finally scheduled her an appointment at the hair college. I thought she would enjoy the treatment rather than me doing it on our porch. Ha! She was so very excited. 

The girl cut her hair dry and it took maybe 15 minutes. I was disappointed, I thought Addison would enjoy getting her hair washed in the sink. Oh well. 

She still thought it was fun. I told the girl to take off about 2 inches..... but you can barely tell! 

She keeps telling me she wants her hair cut like Grandma Rita's. Makes me laugh because Grandma Rita is the one who always wanted LONG hair for us girls. Grandma Rita kept telling Addison not to get her hair cut and that she would be in big trouble if she did. Addison was genuinely worried that Grandma Rita would be mad at her! 
 Since Addison keeps saying she wants her hair to look like Grandma Rita's, I told my mom "Addison wants her hair to look like yours, so you decide if you keep your hair short and she will cut hers, or grow it long and she will keep hers long" - ha! I think the main reason Addison wants her hair short is so that when she puts a shirt on, she doesn't have to pull her hair out of the collar (insert eye roll). 

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