Sunday, January 2, 2022

Daycare update and Vegas

We laughed at this picture, Mason is sitting across the room from Linda reading the book. While the other kids are up in her face. We joked that he is social distancing :) 
We love that daycare reads to him, he has developed a love for reading right now that we hope continues! 

They said Mason loves this zebra in the baby room. Again, he couldn't walk in these photos but he would stand on the zebra :) 

Mason had been at daycare about a month and the teachers say it was going well.....but he was still pretty clingy and crying at drop off :( He didn't appear to be making any friends, but I realize at this age they don't play together anyways. We imagine he just screamed at everyone....... 

We are told this is his favorite chair at daycare, the piano. He apparently laid claim to this piano and sat on it constantly. The teachers thought it was a hoot! 

The Cyclones played in Vegas in Sept. Landon and Nicole booked flights right away and the rest of us were trying to figure out what to do. We didn't think we would be able to go based on the cost of flights....but Ryan kept checking and found one for $118 through Frontier. We booked it! Ryan's Aunt Cathy and Kelly were nice enough to watch our kiddos. We got into Vegas about midnight our time and Landon was waiting for us with some bud lights. 

It had been about 10 years since I had been in Vegas, way too long! Had to make a stop of The Earl of Sandwiches and get a 12 pack at the convenience store. 

Love this place :) When I was in Vegas with Landon and Nicole for March Madness, we stayed in Planet Hollywood and ate lots of Earl sandwiches. They are about $8 and delicious. We had a great time that first night, Ryan and I were up about 24 hours and boy did that take it out of us! I didn't get out of the hotel room till about 2pm the next day and Ryan was about 5pm and not doing well. 

I had some Earl's and a diet dew, then I was ready to go! We went to the tailgate before the football game and had a good time. It was a really nice area to tailgate. My cousin Alecia and her husband Chad were on our flight from DSM so it was fun to hang out with them too! 

The group minus Ryan. Ryan's brother and parents were in Vegas too, so he went to find them at the tailgate. This was so much fun, I want to go back! 

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