Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Super hero spotting

Been a couple weeks since I've updated, I need to get back at it! It's been a busier few weeks than normal it feels like. We have had dance class, swimming lessons, ISU basketball games, and kiddos getting sick all in the last few weeks. And I've gotten busier at work, which is nice. 
The picture above is a football game from the fall, obviously it was a nice day! We met up with my college friend Lacey and her husband Wes. Sadly our kids never seemed to be attending the games at the same time! 

It was a fun football season with Addy, she's getting more interested in the sport. She's enjoyed basketball this winter too. 

I love this action photo.... if I was good I could blur the edges. But I'm not good. There was a super hero spotting at the Ames house :) 

Getting Mason's 6 month measurement recorded :) 

Soccer was over on Monday nights so I got Addison signed up for dance classes in town. The first night of dance was before Halloween so she got vampire teeth. For some reason, she loves to put stickers on her forehead. I won't complain, they don't go through the wash that way :) 

 Oh my sweet baby!! I got home from work and he was a little fussy. I held him and just rocked him while standing. He was asleep in minutes. My kids NEVER do that. He wasn't sick or anything this time, just tired I guess! 

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