Thursday, January 6, 2022

Vegas Part III

On Sunday, the day after the football game, we went with Ryan's parents and brother downtown. I really wanted to go downtown at night, it just isn't the same during the day. I wanted Ryan to see the craziness at night and I hadn't been downtown in probably 12-15 years. 

We went into the Golden Nugget because I wanted Ryan to see the gold nugget. He loves the show "Gold Rush" so I thought he would be impressed :) I had seen the nugget before, I was impressed with the pool at the Golden Nugget..... they have definitely upgraded that place. That pool was awesome and had an aquarium so it felt like you were swimming with the fish/sharks. 

The Lents Family

Ryan's first strawberry daiquiri of the trip

Took a picture of the chocolate Statue of Liberty to show Addison. It was pretty cool! 

Took this one also for Addison, thought she would be impressed with the wall of M&M's :) 

We didn't go to the Las Vegas Sign with Ryan's parents, so we took our own pictures with the signs we found - ha! 

 And one of the parts of the trip I looked forward to most..... the Volcanic Nachos at Margaritaville! It had been way too long since I've had them. They are delicious :) 

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