Sunday, January 16, 2022


Cousins watching the game together on the hill. Addison adores Nolan and loved going to games with him! 

Look at those smiles!! Both were tickled pink to take a picture together even though they don't know each other. Ryan took Addison down to the field after ISU beat OSU and they saw Jaylin Noel. Ryan asked if he would take a picture with Addison and apparently he was quite excited. 

Nolin slept through all the excitement. 

Addison racing Ryan and Mason - Ryan and Mason might have cheated, they came out quite a bit ahead of Addison! 

Then all 3 going together :) There aren't any pictures, but I did take Mason and raced Addison a few times. I'm surprised Mason likes the slide but he does! 

These goofballs - they were sticking finger puppets to their heads :) Mason is playing with the Santa finger puppet right now and says "Ho Ho Ho". I love it! 

 Hard to see in the background, there is a grain cart dumping into a semi just down the street from us. Looks really far away but it was about 1/2 a block. We got to watch the combine across the street from our house. Blew up tons of dust but it was fun. Hope that field stays (although it probably won't!). 

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