Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Dec. 5 ISU vs. West Virginia

The photos above are from Dec. 5. Yes that's right, DECEMBER and no coat. Woohoo!! It was a beautiful day. Due to COVID, there is technically no tailgating so Ryan was pretending to check out the car. We weren't tailgating. :) 

No shirt Conner at the game. ISU won 42-6. This was such a fun season, despite COVID. It would have been more fun without COVID but it would have meant a lot more time at work for Mom! 

The Prescotts and Julius' missed the last football game, they were in Fort Myers. 

And Brayden held an alligator! 

And Aunt Nicole held a bigger one!! That thing is bigger than Nolan! 

Cutest picture! They said it's his Heisman pose. 

 The Cyclones are #1 and headed to the Big 12 Championship Game in Dallas :) We were so excited. Grandpa Ron texted us and told us he was feeling emotional after we beat Texas. This is such a big deal for us Cyclones. Especially Cyclones like Grandpa Ron who have been lifelong cyclones and seen so many many hard years. This was the first year ISU beat Oklahoma and Texas in the same year. There were so many other crazy fun stats about this year, I should probably have Ryan write a post to record everything for Mason! :) 

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