Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Big 12 Championship Game

December 19 we were headed to Dallas for the Big 12 Championship game! We were all so excited. Ryan, my dad and I met Landon, Nicole, Brayden, and Nolan at the KC airport. Brayden is such an attentive big brother to Nolan..... he carted him around the airport. Then chased him as he ran. And worried about him as he was climbing over all the chairs. Ha! 

We met Tracey & Conner at the hotel in Dallas. Nolan took it upon himself to hand out beers and snack mix to everyone. We were pretty excited to hang out with Nolan, we feel like we hadn't spent much time with him. And we didn't have our kiddos, so he had our undivided attention. 
Kelly was kind enough to say she would stay home and watch our kids with my mom. 

It helps to know people. Ryan and I know no one, but thankfully Landon does. Landon's company has a suite at the Dallas Cowboys stadium. He was lucky enough to get us tickets to their suite. So then we were frantically trying to sell the 8 tickets we had purchased through ISU. We were pretty lucky and got them all sold! 

Grandpa Ron, Brayden and Conner. These three guys were very excited, although the big guy was the most excited. I'm pretty happy we were able to take him to this game! 

With Landon's suite tickets, we also got parking passes. Which was pretty amazing to not worry about parking and be right next to the stadium. 

Conner would have been so mad if Tracey came without him - ha! 

That sign says "Ryan" - That happens to be the name of the company Landon works for. :) 

It was pretty awesome, we had a whole suite with a buffet and open bar. We got into the stadium about 1.5 hours before kick-off. We walked around a little watched them warm up. About 30 minutes before kick-off the bartender told us that they would be taking the food away. So we all hurried up and ate. Then about 30 minutes into the game, a new round of food came out, complete with some Texas BBQ. 

That jumbo-tron was impressive!

And this little dude was crazy. He would watch the game for a while with Brayden, then he would run around for a while. They had TV's in the suites too so Nicole could watch the Buckeyes. It was a beautiful suite, we were quite lucky! 

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