Monday, February 8, 2021

Mom's Birthday

There are very few photos of me with the kids, I never look nice so I don't want in - ha! But it was my birthday so we had to take a picture. Ryan was very thoughtful and made me a homemade funnel cake. It was DELICIOUS. I love funnel cakes and rarely get them. We bought one a while ago at the Bondurant Summer Fest. I love them. Ha! So Ryan made me one on the stove and it was amazing. 

We didn't take a picture of it, but my mom also bought me a big cookie. I love big cookies. Fareway's are delicious. She always gets me a big cookie for my birthday, even though her and Ryan would much prefer I get a cake :) 

Due to COVID, we didn't go out to eat but we had Pasquale's frozen pizza and it was delicious. Ryan and I did get to go out to lunch together (since we were both working from home) and we went to our favorite lunch place, The Manhattan Deli. Oh, the deliciousness! We love the sandwiches, they are amazing. We usually eat in the little deli, but due to COVID, we were too nervous so we ate in our car. It was still delicious. :)

Then Addy wanted to take our picture. She tries to snap her fingers and get Mason's attention. 

Bet you can't guess what these two are doing...........

Playing "Santa Claus". Ha! Addison is Santa in the big chair, Mason is sitting in front of Santa and we are supposed to pretend there is a piece of plastic in between them. Just like at Bass Pro. This little girl's creative mind is crazy. 

Another good one of these two! Man, that was two days in a row of good pictures. 

She said I had to pretend to be Santa. Ha! I had to ask Mason what he wanted for Christmas. He grunted. This kid and his grunts, he about drives Ryan and I crazy! He grunts constantly, just making noises. 

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