Friday, February 12, 2021

ISU vs. Texas

All ready for the big Cyclone game!! ISU was playing at Texas the day after Thanksgiving. The Lents family was ready! Although part of me was a little disappointed because I had scheduled a work trip to be in Austin to observe their game day activities..... My boss had been pushing me to go for a couple years and we finally schedule it. And then COVID. Ugh! But anyways, we had a great time watching the game at home. ISU won 23-20 and champagne was drank. It was a fun day! 

He was on his back and flipped over to his belly. He was happy.... for about 45 seconds :) 

Had to take a picture of him in the car seat with the cover. He doesn't like it because he wants to see everything and it hinders his vision. But it works well, we take it off and the heat comes out! 

Little dude sitting up like a big kid :) We had a good Thanksgiving weekend hanging out together. I have enjoyed COVID and all the time we spend at home together relaxing. We watch movies on Disney Plus, play games and just hang out. The days sure go by fast! 


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