Sunday, February 7, 2021

Christmas Card Photos

Little guy all dressed up to go see Santa! Found this little knit outfit in Nolan's box of clothes. It was a little small but it worked :) He was 6 months old but not sitting up on his own. So we had to use the bright green bumbo. ha! Guess at least it wasn't pink..... 

Love this picture! And this one wasn't even a planned/set-up one. Mason was in a super good mood so I decided to get a picture of him all dressed up and Addison wanted in too. 

These were planned :) I found a pair of jammies in Nolan's clothes that happened to match a pair of Addy's, how lucky is that?! I was pretty excited. Ha! Addison was reading Mason the Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer book. She loves that book so she knows it by heart. It was so cute to hear her read it to him, he actually appears interested. He was 6 months in these photos, at 9 months now I'm not sure he would be so still! 

These were our Christmas card photos this year. Our professional ones were when Mason was 1 month old, so I wanted some more recent ones. Taking photos of these two is hard work but I think we got a few good ones. 

She says "I love snuggling with Mason" and she gave him a kiss. When she kisses him good night every night, she gives him two kisses on the top of the head. When she kisses us good night, she gives us a kiss on each cheek as if she is French. Then we kiss her forehead. She started this when she was about 2 years old and has continued it ever since. We have no idea where she got the idea to kiss us on each cheek - ha! 

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