Saturday, February 20, 2021

Table food

Mason was 7 months old and could finally sit up, so we were trying table food. We tried some banana and he is probably the only infant that does not like banana. He was not a fan! 

You can see his look of disgust with the banana - ha! The first table food we gave him was a green pepper :) I was having a snack and decided to give him one. He made a face but kept going back for more! 

I realize I don't take nearly as many photos of this little guy as I did Addison, so I tried to take more - ha! He's just a happy little guy. We were working on sitting up. We used the boppy because we had it but he didn't need it much. Once he figured out how to sit up, he did pretty good without toppling over. 

 He doesn't sit still now, those arms and legs are always flailing!

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