Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Christmas Cookies

My little Betty Crocker! I started to roll out dough and Addison said "I know how to do that" so I handed her the rolling pin, expecting her to not know what to do. 

But she knew exactly what to do......

And even knew how to cut the cookies. She said "Grandma Rita lets me do this". She helped me mix everything together but her attention span is usually gone by the time I start putting the cookies on the cookie sheet. Not this time! She wanted to cut out some cookies. But she was done shortly after that and just constantly asked me when she could like the beater. Ha! 

She gets so excited that I started letting her lick the beater. She gets one, Ryan gets one. 

We put Mason up to watch Addison decorate the cookies. She was so excited to put the sprinkles on. This girl LOVES sprinkles. She wants them in her yogurt and pudding too. I feel like sprinkles is something that takes a while to go through, not anymore. We have gone through them fast the last 6 months. But we have made quite a few cookies in the last three months. We LOVE this new sugar cookie recipe I started using. It is an almond cookie and the three of us can't get enough of them. They are amazing. In fact, Ryan ate the last one today and we are out. I guess I know what we will be doing this weekend :) 


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