Thursday, February 11, 2021

7 months

Again, I'm still 2 months behind, but this little dude was 7 months old!! He was getting better at sitting up in the box :) 

At 7 months, he was eating 6 ounces every 3 hours, sleeping pretty good (only waking up 1-2 times if any), finally sitting up by himself, and couldn't love his sister more. Those two adore each other. He just laughs at her and wants to see everything she is doing. 

I love this look, ha! 

It's been a great 7 months with this little guy. I love that I'm working from home and get to start playing at 5pm when Ryan gets home with the kiddos. And a good part of COVID, I'm not working many nights and weekends for events, so I'm around more. I love it :) 

He was "helping" me wrap gifts...... 

Yup, he knocked them all over :) It's rare to see him on his belly with a smile on his face. Kid hates tummy time! 

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