Sunday, February 14, 2021

Let's take a picture

Addison has some old cell phones of mine and Ryan's. She was taking selfies with Mason, it was pretty funny. Then she would come "show" Ryan and I, and pretend to flip through all the photos. :) 

He does not look amused.....ha! 

Feeding Mason some cereal. He got his first tooth the beginning of December. It was a bottom front tooth. He did pretty good, got kind of fussy at night. 


So Ryan was entertaining himself and put Mason in Addison's doll stroller. Haha! I thought it was pretty funny. Until Mason leaned forward, fell out of the stroller, and bonked his face on the kitchen floor. And then he screamed. And I probably cried. Ha! Ryan insisted he was fine, then proceeded to put him in a different stroller that had straps :) Haha! We wanted to show Addison, we thought she would find it hilarious. The picture on the right is her reaction, she thought Mason was so silly. 

I made mini weight watchers muffins and then Addison and Ryan put frosting and sprinkles on them to make them cupcakes. See, we go through a lot of sprinkles in this house! 

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