Friday, November 22, 2019

More on the farm

My dad did send me a few pictures while we were gone. He got her out in the tractor some and she loved it. I love this picture with her looking up at him. She occupies that buddy seat well. 

Ah, the sign of a true farm kid.....getting a little tractor nap. She apparently slept that way for 2-3 rounds. At least she can sleep sitting up and didn't need to rest her head on the window. I used to wake up with such headaches! 

She made some trips to Shoppers (or whatever it's called now) and she enjoyed the baby chicks. 

And she took our pinwheel out to the cemetery for her Great Grandpa & Grandma. 

"Kelly, you can't see me now"

Addy and Makena playing with her new Troll figurines. That kid loves little figurines! 

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