Monday, November 4, 2019


Tried taking a panoramic picture of the square in Sienna, doesn't show up well here. 

 Sienna has this big common square surrounded by big buildings and shops. Once a year, I think in August, they have a big horse race around the square. I can't remember the specific details now since it's been 6 months, but I think the jockey's figure out what horse they get the day before the race. And, the horse can still win the race even if they jockey falls off. Ha!

It was a stop in Sienna on our way to Tuscany, but it was a cool little town. I was having a rough day in Sienna, I picked up the nasty cold that everyone else on the trip had. I was so glad I packed a variety of medications "just in case". A number of our guests stayed back for the day or parts of a day throughout the trip, but there was no way I was going to miss out on anything. Especially because I will probably never be back! You didn't see any pictures from Assissi because I had a fever that day and felt postively awful.....It was a struggle just to get through that stop let alone take any photos! 

Ricciarelli is a famous little pastry item from Sienna. Ryan and I were not usually buying the traditional items from the cities as many of them didn't sound good to us. We stuck to gelato. But in Sienna, we decided to give this one a shot. They were delicious! And our tour guide bought a big box to share with everyone too. Yum!

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