Sunday, November 17, 2019


Well, we made it through almost the whole trip with good weather. Until the last stop, Venice. It rained the whole bus trip there and then we had to get a boat taxi to take us to Venice. Another perk of group travel, the boat taxi was waiting from us so we didn't have stand in the rain any longer than necessary! 

A wet water taxi ride

All the transportation in Venice is done by water canal. There are no streets for cars whatsoever. So people either walk or take water taxis. 

This was the first hotel on the trip to have donuts. Not as good as Casey's, but it was a nice change. Ryan loved them because the donuts were infused with chocolate. I was happy because they had mimosas for breakfast :)

We did a water taxi tour of Venice. If it wasn't raining, we could have had the top/sides open on the boat so it would be more visible. But unfortunately it was raining this day too, so the roof was on. It was very hard to see anything :( 

A cold, rainy, walking tour of Venice. I don't know what the temperature was, but my toes and fingers got pretty cold. 

Our tour took us through some winding alleys. It was hard to pass people in these alleys, they were pretty tight. You had to put your umbrellas away, they didn't fit. It appeared you could navigate through the whole city in alleys, it was so confusing! We had to find our way on our own from one end of Venice to the other back to our hotel after our free time. The whole group managed to make it! 

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