Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Tuscany wine

We learned the Chianti is the wine made in Tuscany. This was the only kind served to us at the Villa. All the other places we stayed served us a red and white. Ryan and I were pretty disappointed at first as we are partial to white, but we soon learned the chianti is delicious and we didn't need any other choices. We did agree though, the waiters were sometimes a bit slow on bringing us more bottles..... ha! We had group dinners every night in Tuscany, it was a lot of fun. 

We of course toured a winery while in Tuscany. Just one though, we all would have gone to a few if time permitted.

We had a wine tasting and this was the plate of food they fed us. Some of us could have used some more substantial items after all the wine..... good thing we got back on a tour bus! 

So many wine barrels! 

And of course we had to buy a bottle back at the hotel and had a little happy hour prior to dinner that night. It was a gorgeous afternoon and they had a beautiful patio to relax on! 

We did also ship some wine home for us and Nicole. Nicole sent her order with us - ha! We didn't find a wine we didn't like in Italy (we were shocked). It was great! 

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