Monday, November 11, 2019

Minnesota Birthday Party

Perfect birthday lunch, mac & cheese! 

I can remember why they said she started crying, I think it was because she didn't get to sit in the chair she wanted, ha! 

Troll birthday cake

She loved her birthday card from Parker, he had Gil from Bubble Guppies on the inside. 

Parker & Makena playing with Addison's toy - a box full of squishies. 

They made a game of making the squishies stick to their foreheads. Ryan and I tried, we couldn't do it. 

Grandpa Ron & Uncle Hugh putting together Addison's new bike. Uncle Dave helped Addison put the stickers on, she was pretty excited. 

She had a pretty good birthday party, I don't think she missed us one bit! She played hard all day and slept almost the whole way back to Humboldt. 

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