Thursday, November 7, 2019


Happy Hour from our Tuscany Villa. And the picture on the right is the wild boar pasta they served us one night. These Italians love them some wild boar!!

 Ugh, this picture was on our way to downtown Florence and I felt AWFUL. I had a fever this day and it was a struggle! 

Being the art-lover I am (HA! yea right).... but for real, I was actually super excited to go to this museum. I'm not really sure why, but I was super excited to the Statue of David and Michelangelo's work. I mean, these are things I NEVER thought I would ever see in real life. And it's amazing how long they have been preserved. Apparently, Michelangelo had tons of unfinished statues. 

David is HUGE. And the area was pretty packed. The detail was phenomenal. Pretty cool site! AND, we found some fellow Cyclones admiring David, a few students from ISU who were studying aboard in Rome and took a few days to travel.

You can't tell in this photo, but that dark wall in the back is a wall of a chocolate fountain. They love their chocolate! 

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