Monday, November 18, 2019

Venice Part II

Venice was by far the nicest hotel room we stayed in. It was so nice! The bed and pillows were super comfy, which was needed as we were exhausted! 

The bathroom was huge and fancy. The shower was giant!! The first place we stayed had a shower you where you hit your elbows on the wall when you shampooed your hair! This bathroom even had color changing lights. Don't know the point of that, but they did change colors. 

The lobby of this hotel had the longest couch we had ever seen. This thing was huge! And there was no seam or place were the place split in two. We have no idea how they got it in the building - ha! 

We were standing on the bridge watching the traffic one day. It was interesting to watch the merchants deliveries arrive and how they handled everything. 

There are bakeries everywhere in Italy, we actually stopped and bought something. They love lemon over there so I was happy to get a lemon pastry. 

Our appetizer one night, fried mac & cheese with some potato chips that came with our wine. 

Guess what? Another cheese pizza! Italians also love their cheese. I think this pizza had about 5 different cheeses. It was delicious as always! 

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