Thursday, November 21, 2019

Venice, last post

It's hard to see, but both the photo above and below are chocolate fountains. Italians love their chocolate fountains! 

Doesn't he look like he belongs in Mary Poppins? Ha! He bought himself a giant chocolate cannoli. It was really cheap too, he was so excited. I however waited outside while he made his purchase because the doors to the bakery were open and there were pigeons in there. Italians go about their business and ignore the pigeons, they freak me out. haha! 

Well I can't get this photo turned for some reason, but this was our meal at our farewell dinner. Venice is known for their seafood. There was sardines, octopus, egg squid, and I can't remember the rest. That's what I get for doing this 6 months late. I tried the egg squid and the octopus. I was able to swallow them but can't say I enjoyed it. haha! I'm definitely not a seafood person. Ryan does slightly better than I do. We did eat fish a few times on the trip (at group dinners with no options, haha). Some wasn't too bad. Thankfully they serve you such large meals that you were still stuffed without eating the seafood!! 

Well that's it. 15 days in Italy. I know this blog is supposed to be dedicated to Addison, but I thought someday she might like to read about our exciting trip to Italy. It's a trip we probably could never or would never do on our own. I remind myself of this awesome opportunity during some 16 hour days or 60 hour work weeks on repeat. It helps me get through sometimes. haha!! I'm told this is one of the best trips we offer by some co-workers who have hosted it. It was amazing and the travelers were great. We see some of them at football games and a few at basketball now. And we keep in touch via Facebook. We have the best travelers! 

OH - and we got home about 9pm and my parents and Addison were waiting for us. Addison acted the same as she would if we were gone for work that day. The next day or the day after, she asked if it was time to go back to the farm. Ha! Even though she was sick, she apparently had a good time. She has been talking for 3 months about how she is going to have her 4th birthday on the farm. She's going to take a helicopter there. hhmmm...... anyone want to help me out with that one?  

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