Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Breakfast with Reagan

Erin, Brandon & Reagan were in Des Moines back in May to see family but make time for breakfast with us :) Addison was SO EXCITED!! 

Aww the obsession with holding babies begins. Addison kept telling me afterwards that she held Reagan and she wants to hold her again. Then we saw Nolan a few weeks later and she was tickled pink we let her hold him. Then this fall every time she sees Nolan, she wants to hold him. We will see him on Saturday for the Julius Christmas and I'm trying to tell her that he is 9 months old now and may not want to be held..... haha! She keeps telling me "mom, I just need a REAL baby to hold, not my dolls". I see this is where the obsession began... with holding Reagan :) 
It was great to see them and happy they made time for us! 

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