Saturday, November 2, 2019

Food, Food & More Food

So Italians eat gelato 4 times a day. I don't know this for a fact, but I'm pretty sure it's true. There are more gelato shops in Italy than Starbucks in America. And, I have nothing to back that up, but I'm pretty sure it's true. Ha! We were told you could find the best gelato but looking at the colors. If the pistachio gelato is a bright green, then it's not good because it has artificial flavors. We usually got chocolate fudge, vanilla, peanut butter or peanut butter fudge. You could usually get 2-3 flavors per bowl. Also, gelato is made with milk instead of cream, so it's healthier for you than ice cream. So that means you can eat more.

This was our dinner the first night in Rome. A $10 carry-out pizza and a $4 bottle of wine. 

At this stop, we had spicy rice cakes and potato chips for our wine snack. We sat at a table on the sidewalk to people watch. 

This was one of the best pizzas we had - it had four cheese. It was delicious. 

In Orvieto, there were these Boar heads everywhere. Apparently Boar meat is one of their claim to fames. That and pigeon meat. 

We did try the boar meat. But not the pigeon. ha! The boar was not bad at all. Just tasted like beef to us. Oh, and the pasta was homemade. This dinner was our first night in Orvieto and we went to a cooking demonstration at a restaurant where they showed you how to make pasta. Barilla is headquartered in Italy. But our tour guide said a lot of people have boycotted them because they are now producing firearms too. Weird, I know. ha! 

Lemoncello is the after-dinner drink of Italy. It's a super strong lemon flavored liquor. I can't remember, but I'm pretty sure I couldn't even drink the glass they gave me. I love lemon but it's super strong!

Ah, the breakfast of champions! I think Ryan went through withdrawals after we got home, he missed his chocolate croissants every morning. Some hotels had chocolate-filled croissants and some didn't. But those that didn't, had Nutella, so he topped the croissant with Nutella. 

Oh the best pizza we had. We found this treasure in Orvieto. It's a pizza with sausage and french fries. It was delicious! We shared this pizza, but again, everyone around us was ordering their own. ha!

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