Friday, November 8, 2019

Florence then San Gimignano

Florence had some bridges that had shops and housing on the bridge. Kinda crazy. 

Many of the streets were walking streets and not wide enough for cars. They did have a lot of traffic in Florence, but just in certain areas. 

Next, we moved onto San Gimignano. It was a beautiful little town that we spent a couple hours in. 

This was another town with a wall around it and an entrance. 

Mid-Evil look-out towers built high above the rest of the town. 

It wouldn't be right without a stop at the Gelato store. Apparently this store has won many awards, our tour guide gave us all coupons for free gelato. Couldn't afford not to! 

We bought our souvenirs in this town. We looked and looked throughout all the towns but couldn't find anything that screamed our name. Leather is a popular souvenir but we just didn't have the desire for anything leather. I looked at the purses, but they were still $200 (although I'm told it would have been $400-$500 in the US). I've used the same coach purse for probably 8 I figured I shouldn't buy a purse I probably won't use. Ha! 

I bought two unique, funky rings that were inexpensive. I had been wanting some fun jewelry and found the perfect ones there. We also bought some alabaster eggs, apparently they are known for their alabaster and the eggs are pretty popular. 

Amazing view! Great weather too. The rolling highs and cottages made a great landscape. 

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