Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Work Work Work.....

December 26 was Makena's 12th birthday. We tried to Facetime Makena and she didn't answer. This is what happens when someone doesn't answer their Facetime...... It's the end of the world. Who would want to break this little girl's heart by not wanting to talk to her?!? haha! 

Shoveling in mashed potatoes....yummm....

Playing with her lady bug. She was walking it like a dog. 

The day after Christmas was mostly spent cleaning, getting ready for company. I didn't even have to ask for help, Addison just jumped right in! She is actually is pretty good about helping to put things away and doing laundry. We are amazed about how we can give her an instruction and she knows what we are talking about and does it. I talk to her constantly, not expecting her to understand all the time. I was vacuuming that day and told her we needed to find the piece that does the kitchen floor. She ran over next to the couch, grabbed the piece, and brought it back. I was shocked and impressed! I also now just have to tell her which pile of laundry to put in the washer and she makes many trips but gets it done. I have to put the detergent in, but she can start it by herself. She's pretty good at helping us, but she can make a mess faster than she cleans up  - ha! She loves to say "mess" and point to messy areas. (She also repeats it about 12 times)

Goofy girl, she kept making this face at dinner that night. 

Here was our Christmas craft project in the Lents house. We were pretty proud of ourselves. ha! 

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