Friday, February 16, 2018

More Lents Christmas

Addison was making sure Garrett knew he was a baby. She kept saying "Baby. Baby. Baby" repeatedly. In these photos she probably did it for 10 minutes straight. And yes pointing the finger in his face :) 

I love this photo. Garrett is anxiously awaiting Addison to tell him he's a baby :) 

Grandma Rita, we found that mouse again! 

Aunt Ginny has the best toys! Addison loved this little duck train. It was pretty cool. They just don't make toys like they used to!

Addison and her buddy Travis! We can't wait to invite ourselves to Kevin and Mallory's farm to play! 

Great Grandma Marie and Great Grandpa Don with some but not all of the great grandkids. 

Travis and Addison again - she thinks he's so funny :) 

More gifts!

Love that smile! She warms up soooo much faster when there are kids around. But she didn't let any adults get too close to her. Thankfully she didn't really yell at anyone for getting too close. She never really warmed up to Brad and Lori even though they stayed with us. 

Yup, Garrett is still a baby. ha! 

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