Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Julius Christmas part 1

Grandma Rita's Tree

We had the Julius Christmas the weekend before Christmas this year. Well, really, it was like 2 hours on a Saturday. It was a busy day for everyone but us. The KC Julius' came up on Saturday, Nicole was traveling and got in late Friday night. The Prescott's came on Saturday morning and the Skjevelands came Friday night. The Skjevelands needed to leave by 2pm on Saturday, Conner had a hockey game. It's hard to get all of us together but it makes us cherish the time even more! 

Tracey & I saw these spring toys in Germany. Tracey thought it was the perfect gift for Addison, and it was! She loved it. It's a little lady bug. They had tons of them but the lady bug was the cutest. It will bounce on the spring for hours.

My two favorite girls!! 

I took a bunch of these, it was hard for all of them to look at once. It was the deal that they had to take a picture for me before they could open gifts!! The boys were SO EXCITED to open gifts, they couldn't sit still for the photos. 

The lighting in the basement isn't great under this window I found out. 
Brayden is 6, Parker 9, Addison 1.5, Conner 10, and Makena 11

Then we took a photo of Grandma & Grandpa with their favorites :) 

The boys anxiously waiting for the magic word - GO! 

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