Thursday, February 15, 2018

Lents family Christmas

Addison had a good time passing out gifts at Dale & Evonne's house for the Lent's Christmas.

Tried to get a picture of them, this was the best I got. 

I can't tell you how surprised Ryan and I were that Addison wasn't crying - ha! Apparently Nolan's Daniel Tiger toy was the secret weapon. 

Addison and Dad

I put this LeapFrog cell phone on Addison's Christmas list. We have one that we borrowed from Henry that is an older model that's discontinued. She LOVED that cell phone. We were scared she would break it and we couldn't replace Henry's, so we thought she needed her own. Henry's has real buttons though, that was nice. Addison was so excited about the cell phone she wouldn't hardly let go of the package so we could open it! She had to teach Grandpa Dale how to run a smart phone.

This photo went better, even though Addison wouldn't put her phone down! 

Dale, Evonne, and Garrett - such a happy little baby! 

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